Re: I don't really mind being alone..but..
im from boston but i hate bon jovi. i dont really talk to anyone but people at my work. i never go out to anything. when i look at it right, i realize that its not what life is about. when i hear the word concert i think of a bunch of nuts drinking and listening to loud music and making a life for them selves because that they have not.
i find pleasure out of doing simple things like helping people. trying messages to people on the computer and helping them. and it is nice when people thank you for it. but its not like when you talk to someone in the flesh and they thank you. because you can see where there comming from and how much they appreciate your thanks. you know if you help them closer to the holy sperit of if it went over there head.
like right now i hate my job because when ever i do good and get the job done fast they tell me how wonderfull i am. ( witch now i can discern the difference between true appreciation) because when i am slow or mess up a job, they show there true color. never say, dont worry about it, just learn from it, or what not.
also, beware what you wish for. if you really want something so bad, you could be duped (suckerd) (deceived). im sure you know what i mean. when i first started to feel isolated i learned and was told by someone that the only fix was to not need a friend, then you will be a true friend to that other person. and beware of people who have a 1000 friends. they probably wont make a good friend. (in most cases)
Jesus only had friends that were searching for the truth and wanted to be saved. but he talked to anyone who would listen, and those who wouldnt listen.
im still working on not feeling lonly my self. it breeds desaster. if your not out right and talkative to the crazzy people they will group up on you, and if you need friend ship, they have you by what ever body part feels but uncomfortable., and they can control your emotions. but its always in the fallen places like public schools and work places.
i notice when i eat the wrong food i feel edgy and take stuff personally. but when i eat healthy and get good sleep i shine, and people dont look at me funny. it actually gets turned around and i look at them and hold up a mirror and they see nothing but there miserable self.
i had to quit school in 11th grade because of feeling so alone. i still dont talk to old "friends" after 3 years. some of them are doing good some of them are doing bad.