Re: ff, I'm waiting for the "Guaranteed Attacks"
you dont have a clue about what your talking about and you dont have a clue about free speech and the right of others being to able to access imformation and letting them make thier own decision about what they should read ! The idea that someone claiming the moral high ground and trumping anything that doesnt fit in their small box is what is wrong with this world! What you and rudenski did was little more then making yourself judge and juror over other people about something you dont want to hear! This politically correct crap is just as bad a doctrine as any crazy exremist no matter what their beliefs!
In looking for the truth sometimes you hear things that you dont agree with ,that doesnt make in invalid!
When I first came to curezone I totally diagreed with 2tuff and debated him heartily ,but I didnt go crying to the
Webmaster I didnt hound 2tuff and troll him and bait him and harrass him into losing it onetime and saying things that where over the top but egged on by week after week of being attacked and hounded like a dog!
Nobody put a stop to that form of excepted harassment! You came to curezone and played master and lord over what you didnt understand and started a campain of your own without even understanding anything that went on with the troll rudy with 10 aliases and an agenda! If you really read the archives to this on going debate you would get to know who he really is and think twice about taking sides! Instead you made your on the spot politicsally correct judgement and stood behind those with something to hide and an agenda! You understand nothing about the powers that be and op agents you think everything is peaches and cream as long as nobody speaks thier mind and rock s the boat ! I always wonder what was on the minds of the people of Nazi germany and I understand much more now! I learned a big lesson from you two !
You two prove to me how right 2tuff is!