I visited the chiropractor today. He did a little better. What kind of fluid can I give a 14 month old. He cant have milk, soy milk, I tried goat milk . I unfortunately cant breasfeed any longer. He has been off the breast for 3 days. I was 140 pounds before pregnancy. Now I am 102 and was still losing. I fainted one day at the mall and then I knew that I would have to stop. I feel so bad about it, but at least I made it to 13 months. It is just so easy to give your child a cup of cows milk . What do I give a child who only gets green beans , squash , and rice, baby chicken , egg yolk. I tried beans and that did not work. Where do I get protein from . HOw can I give him fluid without juices? Juices make him hiccup and cause indigestion. He also needs fat. What kind of fat? Thanks so much