Sorry for the delay, I didn't see it.
I live near the "Ocala National Forest" and was out planting heirloom seeds and slippery elm trees. The trouble is avoiding the "rainbow people" who live in the Forest. There are a very many homeless living off the land here and I like to plant
Watermelon and squash in the wild to help with thier diet.
I like to re-wild the heirloom vegetables as much as I can. In case you aren't familiar with the term, heirloom seeds are non genetically modified nor hybrid seeds. Slippery elms are hard to find in the wild because dutch elm disease wiped a very many of them out. They are mostly just grown commercially now. I found 1 good source for the trees at They only cost about $8.00 each and I buy 4 at a time and place them about an acre apart in hopes that they will survive.
That's just one of the things I do to prepare for the eventual downfall of our society.
I am working on converting to Ortho-hydrogen fuel. It has been difficult to get by the obvious pittfalls. Rust and oxidation.
Ok, enough of me.. what do you do?