abstract thinking *grin* food for thought?
or maybe better worded, (LOL)
thought for food?
Consider/ possibilities.
As an eternal immortal, do you need food for sustenance?
Certainly not.
As an immortal can you not at a moments thougt *create* an orange?
(ie: cause it to materialise in your hand?)
Certainly yes.
If you are ONE with universe,
are you then not one with the orange?
Can you not be and experience the taste,
sense of texture, color and even delight
of everything that comprises that orange,
without having to ingest it?
Certainly so .
I think we will all reach this point
in fact no need to *reach it even * LOL
since THAT is what we already are in truth.
We are but immortals having a physical human experience.
at this current moment.
Even now, the world as we know it...
and our physical selves as we currently experience life on earth thru,
are undergoing processes to prepare us
to being able to function in the changeover
to another dimension of living,
more completely integrated
in unity of body and immortal spirit.
when this occurs it will be a world completely different.
no more governments/controllers/ economic plots,
increased ,if not fully implemted, telekinetic abilites/
and thought awareness such as telepathic thought
so no need for phones etc.
abilities to manifest self where-ever we choose,
thus elimination of need for pollution producing material things
in this current dimension.
OF note: to remember..
many other dimensions exist.
WE just can't see them with 3 dimensional eyes.
it is not *creating a new dimension *
It is wakening to living in an already existing one..
(having our eyes and senses perceiving and living in
that which is already there anyhow,
and has a great many already living there.
(and so in many other dimensions as well )
Ami Joi Benton