Re: no need to apologize for being right
this story is always fascinating and evryone has their own interpretation.
first off i really don't see where there is time elapsed between the creation of man and the time God told them what to eat. the whole thing happens from 1:26 to 29. so i don't personally see a time where they were breatharians.
the implication of the story is that yes, if adam and eve had not eaten of the tree of knowledge they would have lived forever.
why didn't adam eat of the tree of life? good question. maybe he was eating it the whole time, but when he ate of the tree of the knowlegde of good and evil it cancelled out the affects. then God had to ban him from the garden so he would not then turn around and eat of the tree of life again and become some kind of super half human half god with eternal life but only an inkling of what good and evil were all about.
the tree of life makes a reappearance in the book of revelations and the end of the age. human history is really about us dealing wiht what good and evil is all about and transcending that dichotomy.