Yes, I eat everthing from shellfish to peanut butter and jelly to protien bars and dring soda's and beer to wine to cheeses. Ive had oranges and lemomade to pasta's. I only eat wheat bread and I drink milk. I've had just about any friut you can think of on a regular basis. I do starbucks mocha's. Ive eaten all sorts of nuts. I've eaten all those bad thing you buy at the fair that are loaded with who knows. I guess you'd have to ask if I ate something for me to tell you if Ive had it since i dont hold back on anything. Now as far as healing yourself you just have to start eating healthier than you have in the past. That is once you get a handle on this thing. Now for the worse reaction I've had id have to say its when my lips would swell up. Think of it this way. Close your mouth lip to lip. Then slide your lower lip out till you can put your finger strait down or up depending on which lip swelled and being able to slide your finger with bearly touching the swollen lip. Thats how bad it would swell. I couldnt even go out till it subsided which usually took a few hours to most of the day. That was just one of the reactions I had and now i'm allergy free.