Re: amalgam removal update and question
my goal is to chelate whatever mercury the baby is getting from me. so if cilantro will do that to the baby, I could do
juicing whole pesto with the olive oil, lemon juice(without the nuts) throwing in just 1 clove so its mild. then give the baby up to 1 tablespoon during the day. (she is 7 months old)
and give her bath with 1/4 cup
Epsom Salts and dead sea mud (it has sulphur)
can it safely remove whatever mercury she ingests?
is adding garlic and olive oil and lemon juice safe for babies?
whoever knows, just cross off anything that is unsafe for babies (like crossing off the nuts)
I still hold off eating that pesto myself. and doing itensive research about baby's safety first.
about the
Body Odor s, I am sure its one of the side affects that will be gone when the healing will be done.
did more research about commercial baby food. it isn't better than my breatmilk. it has mercury and aluminum and
Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) so the baby will be still better off to continue to breastfeed..
yet some new symptoms we have: baby and me both sweat alot. the pain in my palms is gone. ( I used to wake up with my palms numb for all the time after the first tooth broke, then last 6 months became worse, painful and stiff unable to close or open the fingers) the throat pain is gone, sleepiness is gone, headache and flu symptoms is gone, but neck is stiff and painful. my face broke up with acne. and I am still lazy and tire easily.