Re: cilantro pesto (Owen?)
thank you for your encouraging post. some of the postings were not encouraging about having the mercury in my body for life.. anyway thank you again. now its my down day. I am in pain. shivers all over. my palms hurt, my head aches, throat is sore that is painful to swallow, all my neck my chest and back sore. sort of feeling of being beaten up and bruised. I have all of the flu symptoms but no fever. low apetite. I have mucus i have to spit all time, and cough all time. tired, lazy, weak. and my right breast has painful lump that I have to breastfeed all time so it doesn't become a painful matitis. (only the older one can do good job of it, as a toddler suckles powerfully)
complicated symptoms, ehh.. lucky it isn't worse as in the other postings!
the only clean water I have is my brita filter bottle. when will have money will install reverse osmosis to the tap. and the thing that i have 2 more fillings left to remove (can't do all of them at once as they are in the other side of the face so it can shock the immune system too much) so I can do everything but the chlorela will have to wait because it can pull more mercury from the left 2
Amalgams (if it isn't true, let me know and I go to gobble them!!)
someone from this list told me that sulphur baths can help babies about this issue. now I do more reseach how much is safe, avoiding overwhelming the fragile kiddos, lol.
thanks again! you are doing great deeds to people, and thanks to you many people own their lives to you. may God bless you