Re: cilantro pesto (Owen?)
Dear Sara,
Congratulations for having those
two fillings removed. It sounds to
me like you're doing most things
right. Yes, you're going to have
some down days every now and then.
Those toxic filngs undoubtedly
left some mercury deposits in your
body. But if you stick to to your
healthy eating regimen, those bad
days will become fewer and fewer --
and then they'll disappear from your
Yes, I would eat some cilantro
pesto every day. In fact, I DO
eat some every day! In your position, I would also eat about
one-half cup of fresh cilantro each
day in a salad. Two or three weeks
of that, and your body should be
mostly free of the mercury. And if
you read my post, Heavy Metals Begone, then you heard me mention
chlorella, too. Chlorella is a
fresh-water algae. I get a daily
dose in my Superfoods. But if I were
you, I'd go to Dr. Mercola's website
and buy a bottle of his chlorella
I also suggest you eat raw sprouts,
Sara, especially mung bean sprouts.
They have an ability to bind with
heavy metals. If you'd like to grow
your own (which I do: it's easy),
go to the Gardening forum, go back
about 3 months, and read my post,
"My method of growing perfect sprouts."
And you want to drink lots of pure
water. I recommend distlled water.
I drink close to a gallon every day.
The water will wash out the heavy
metals that have bound to the
healing herbs and foods.
Andreas and Shelley know more about
chelation than I do, Sara. You should post some questions to them,
If you clean out your system, then
your baby will be taking in clean
milk. But I don't know how you
remove any mercury that may have
entered his body during gestation.
That's a question for someone else.
Stay upbeat and confident, Sara!
You're on the Healing Path. Life is
going to get better and better for
you and your family. Don't doubt that for a minute.