My apologies 2tuff/ intent was to learn, not criticize! Re: My say on this matter
I am simply mortified at all the negativity I seem to have inspired and opened with my original post. I spent hours composing that post, carefully checking every word, hoping that noone could possibly take anything I said or asked as criticism or condemnation.
I specifically said I had no wish to start a debate; I specifically said I had very limited knowledge of the therapies I mentioned (except that they were difficult to understand or extremely expensive). I couldn't have said I believe/know the therapies I mentioned to be beneficial (because I don't personally know enough about them to put my 'name behind them'), but I NEVER said they were not beneficial. In fact I believe my words were something similar to "while they MAY be beneficial"...which is CERTAINLY NOT a criticism nor a negative comment or implication. Or at least, I don't perceive it to be negative.
2tuff - You have opened my ability to learn, widened my perspectives, challenged my pre-conceived notions and taught me to "see" more, by your posts here on Curezone than virtually any other regular poster. Because I know/knew you had recommended Gerson/Schulze/Kelly to others in the past, I was extremely interested (desperate!) to find out why on your current "list" of suggestions to newbies, you no longer mention their specific treatments & protocols (at least on a regular basis). I knew if you had somehow decided or come up with a reason to not recommend them/their protocols regularly, that I desperately needed to know what you know that I don't know! Of ALL the people I hoped would read my post, and answer and give information, it was you, 2tuff, that I'd counted on receiving the most information from. Yet instead of this turning into a marvelous learning experience for me (from yourself and those with more advanced knowledge), it appears I've created all kinds of negativity and the belief that somehow I've "attacked" various therapies and other intelligent people's knowledge. That was the very opposite of my intention, and ever since I read your post, my husband has had a very emotional, upset woman on his, I've been crying my eyes out in frustration and defeat. All I wanted to do was learn "why"...and it seems that by asking "why", half of Curezone thinks I attacked and disrespected their viewpoints. Please, my sincerest of humble apologies for creating that you, 2tuff, or ANYONE reading my posts.
I honestly don't know how to learn, except to ask "why" or say "I just don't get it" or "what am I missing?". But by admitting my ignorance and asking "why", it seems I've created negativity, dissent, accusations and ill-will and hurt feelings all OVER the place.
I tried so very hard to make my intent clear in my original post, and I'm trying even harder now to correct, what turns out to be a huge mistake of my part somehow. I have such limited time for posting and learning (like most of of us), I thought maybe rather than research and study each individual therapy or protocol for hours on end, those of you with more advanced knowledge could point out to me the benefits of those therapies in comparison/association with the ones I do know & understand.
But either way I was perceived, the "proof is in the pudding", and I MUST have worded something incorrectly to invoke so many negative responses. Again, my deepest of apologies to each and every kind soul that read my words and felt attacked or disrespected. I'm not composing this post now to justify my words or anything I mentioned, I'm composing this so anybody that cares, knows what my true original intent was (no matter how inept I was at expressing myself).