Re: Respectful concern/question regarding advice
I would be more than honored to share with you what I know, in as much detail, with as many links and more information as I have.
At this very moment, I'm assisting my husband with a very important task (we're self-employed, we work 24 hours a day, it seems). But sometime in the wee hours, I promise I'll compile enough information to give you the basics of my knowledge, research and personal experience and testimony of those I know that have cured themselves of breast cancer.
You definitely came to the right place! I guarantee you, our bodies were created with the infinite ability to heal themselves. And when you consider the options available for treatment, the natural way is not only the best way to accomplish a complete cure, it's by far the easiest on your body and spirit.
I am positive, without a single, solitary doubt, that you can be free of this ugly diagnosis and disease in just a short period of time. I'd put my entire life on the line to assure you that by following just a few simple steps, dietary changes and procedures, that your body will start exhibiting symptoms of healing in as as little as a week or two.
In the meantime (before I answer) if you'd be so kind as to fill me in on some details, I can hone my response and advise to be ever-so-much more helpful.
How long have you been diagnosed? What do you see/feel, as in size of tumor, lump, hardness, solidness, moveability, appearance? Are both breasts involved? What have you done already? biopsy? mastectomy? chemotherapy? radiation? natural treatment? cleansing? flushing? diet?
Specifically, how many bowel movements do you have daily? weekly?
Do you know what your "transit time" is? (that is, how long from when you eat something to when you see it eliminated in your stools?)
How much money do you have to spend/can you allot to natural healing? a lump sum? a certain amount monthly? Do you have access to organically grown produce?
If any of these issues seem too private or personal to discuss here, please feel free to respond via email. I promise you I will get back to you before dawn.
But for now, set yourself at ease...and breathe a sign of relief. You CAN and WILL beat this's been beaten by thousands of women before you...many that had baseball size tumors that had metastized to their bones and lungs. So just relax, and start telling your body to get ready for battle; it's time to sound the trumpets of war!!