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Re: Paranoia about the Medical Establishment
anicoross Views: 2,197
Published: 20 y
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Re: Paranoia about the Medical Establishment

Hello Everyone!

This is Shirley, how is everyone doing? Centex, I read your post from the begining and I was almost in tears! I'm so happy for you what an accomplishment! unbelievable! Reading that was what made me make my final decision and that is that I'm going to take this on full force and follow the advice that I've been given on this forum. I want to beat this.
I have gone to two doctors so far and the same conclusion. They both give me 6 to 8 months to live and they give me two years if I do chemo. The weird thing is that I feel great. After doing the chemo and radiation which I finished in April of 2005 I virtually had no side affects. My hair didn't fall out and I had no vomiting or weight loss, I actually gained 15 pounds. They say that the p.e.t. scan shows that I have four enlarged lymphnodes that have cancer two in between a major artery and a major vein in my abdomen. Then they say I have two smaller enlarged lymphs in the lower part of the abdomen near the kidneys but in the kidneys. I'm wondering why they have given me a death sentence if has not been ditected in any of my organs. Can somebody explain this to me. I'm not going to do it. The chemo that is. I've decided to go organic. I want to go as raw as possible. The thing is I've been reading this book and I haven't been able to put it down, it's called NATURAL CURES "THEY" DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT by Kevn Trudeau. Has anyone read it? Let me know opinions please on this book. Anyway I have a question. In this book it says that you can eat chicken or meat and fish but only if it's organic. Is this true? I'm going to the WHOLE FOODS MARKET today and want to know if I should buy chicken or not.
I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving! I want to say God Bless everyone on this forum. Because of you I have a glimmer of hope and I'm finally getting out of bed after a week of being completely scared out of my mind almost to the point where I felt that i was going to lose it. Okay thanks everyone. Please let me know about the organic chicken or meat. Should I keep this completely out of my diet?




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