Thank you again for your help Gaylen. :) Do you know anything about Flax Seed oil? I ask because I did the Budwig diet one day, 5 tablespoons flax oil in CC & all that and at the end of the day I started bleeding, ot hard but worse than I ever had before. It scared the bjeebas outa me and so I stopped since that was the only thing different I was doing. Last time I had this I was bedridden for 6 months from hemoragging & I'm terrified of going through that again. I did a Google search, wrote "Flax Seed Oil Bleeding" and found some sites that said it causes thinning of the blood and can cause bleeding. I was so discouraged because I really wanted to try this diet. Do you know anything about this? I asked in the flax seed forum but no one replied to my post.