Hi Snowman,
I'm not sure if there are studies for MDR. I hope so for your site's sake. That's one thing I have issues with. Scientific studies. You can create a study showing what ever view you have on a subject. Coffee is good, coffee is bad. Wine is good, wine is bad. Vitamin E is good, and it's bad next week. So to me, they mean nothing. What works in real life that matters to me.
Yes I realize how hard it's going to be to organize the info. It must have been mind boggling to put your site together. One step at a time I guess. But no I haven't started with the ozone info yet. Like I told you before I'm really busy right now. I have a lot of info, but have to read the studies, and organize it all. I really want to do this though. Hopefully I can start in the next week or two. (still) Keep up the good work!