Second Cleanse Not As Good
I completed my second liver cleanse last night/this a.m. I did exactly what I did with my first one, with the exception of fasting on the day of the purge vs. eating a non-fat breakfast and lunch. I did drink apple juice (pasteurized, though) until 2 p.m.
I was disappointed in the results this time (maybe I shouldn't be). The first time I tried it, I had absolutely no discomfort (except a little rectal irritation, obvious), I passed many stones including some that were jellybean sized and maybe one that was even larger than that, and after it was over I felt more energetic than I have in years. It was such a relief.
I decided to do a second cleanse because of all the reading I've done on this website regarding cleansing until there are no more stones, etc. With this cleanse, I passed stones (all of which were pea size or smaller). The disappointmentis that I am not experiencing the increased energy at all. In fact, I feel very tired and lethargic and I have an incredible headache (wondering about dehydration). I also experienced an increased amount of rectal discomfort during the purge. The stinging pain was incredible. I'm assuming this pain during elimination will pass over time without need for treatment. I'm wondering if the apple juice had anything to do with it.
I don't know if I will attempt further cleanses, at least not in the near future. As I said in an earlier message, I do not struggle with gall bladder "attacks". Toward the end of the elimination this time, the liquid was nearly clear, which leads me to believe that sufficient cleansing has taken place ... I could be wrong.
If anyone has any input about anything I've said, I would appreciate it.
Thanks much.