Re: Yep
So is Beloved right, that her intestines are blocked, I assume from the cancer? I assume the doctors can't operate and take it out because it's all over? If all this is true, the best plan of attack is ozone insufflations through the rectum. This really will work in getting rid of the tumors in that area if she can survive that long. Then she will be able to eat & drink again, and we can go on from there. I just emailed someone who would be your best hope for this. Hopefully he has a clinic set up by now that can treat this problem. It won't be in the United States though.
Also will the doctors do the vitamin C iv's 2tuff talked about? I think it's 30-40 grams a day. If what he said is true, it would attack the tumors from the inside, and the ozone would attack it from the outside. A great combination.
I also really believe apricot seeds have cured a lot of peoples cancer. You might want to consider this. There are clinics outside of the U.S. that do this. If you want to do it yourself, you can buy injectable laetrile at It's $119.95 for 10 ampoules, 10 cc (10ml) per ampoule. I can find out more on doing this if you want to go that route. I would normally say to eat the apricot seeds, but this isn't an option with your mom.
I also know a woman who has had pretty great success using a far infra red sauna. I can find out more on this if you want to go this route too.
These methods don't require eating or drinking, and they should work.
I don't know how you are getting nutrition into your mom, this case is something totally new for me, but if it isn't through iv's, I would buy "Living Multi" from the Garden of Life product line. I would desolve 10 tablets into a cup of ozonated water, or just water, and drink that several times a day. Living Multi comes with all the enzymes needed to digest it, and is kind of pre-digested. The cheapest place I've found for this is, I would also try to get as much freshly made juice into her as possible, and the ozonated water. Try to find a happy medium somewhere on how much your mom can take.
My heart really goes out to you. All my relatives died from cancer. Be like the cat that got chewed up by dogs and is dying, but still making bisquits and purring, loving to the end no matter what. I'm not saying give up on your mom. I'm just saying this is always the best way to live no matter what situation. Keep us posted on your mom, and I'll keep you posted on anything new I find too.
Take Care,