Re: who of you are on the medisin kartel paylist!
"I tryied earlyer to get an advice to sites refferences or people that had used this place for therapies for my friend whit leukimia."
In my opinion the "Polyatomic Oxygen Therapy" would be best for your friend. Since it cleans the blood where the cancer is. I have talked to the guy who used Dr. Wainwrights machine and took it to India, and he is trying to set up clinics around the world now using this system. According to him there is no clinic that meets his standards using this method. He could have money motives for saying that, but you can contact him and talk to him yourself @
Also I know this method would cost a lot of money to have done to the patient. I've never delt with leukimia personally, but I would think a person could treat this at home with their own ozone generator. I would drink ozonated water and breath ozone since it goes directly to the blood stream when breathing it. Again the Polyatomic therapy would be best, but if money is a problem it can be solved on your own I believe.
Also Dr. CLark claims her zapper cures leukimia, by zapping the cancer electrically. She had the University of Washington test it in test tubes I believe, and it killed the cancer in 24-48 hours. So you might want to add this.
Personally I believe in apricot seeds, and the Budwig diet. I've talked to people that have cured themselves using these protocols, and there are MANY testimonials out there for both these protocols. So you might want to look into them also.
Sorry if I was guilty of "chest drumming". Like you said this isn't the place for that, and hopefully this will stop.
"I was waken up in the middle of my sleep tonigth thinking maybe you all are paid by the kartell to make smoke screens just playing bad cop nice coop...!"
Again Sorry. Sometimes I wish I was on the other side, because at least I'd have money, but my conscience would kill me in the process. I'd rather be broke and happy with myself, than have money any hate myself.
Hope this helps!