I just had my bottom wisdom teeth removed 4 weeks ago. I had basically no pain for the first 2 weeks. i had taken arnica and seaweed plus rinsed my mouth out 6 times a day with distilled water and Sea Salt . Well, it seems as though the holes in my mouth were about healed, but suddenly started to trap food, so I brushed the area everytime I ate. well now, 4 weeks later, the holes seem to be larger and are cuasing me a little bit of pain, plus an upset stomach every now and then. I can't determine what is food caught in the area and what is the healing scar--becuase i understand that it is supposed to be white. Am I supposed to contine brushing the area or leave it alone? is there anything I can take to get it healed faster?
also i am looking for a holistic denitst in the phoenix, az area. if anyone knows of one, please let me know.