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Well, It's official...I'm a Oompa Loompa!!
LLL Views: 1,196
Published: 20 y

Well, It's official...I'm a Oompa Loompa!!

Help, Im turning orange and it's not a pretty site!! LOL
I have done a little research on turning orange from carrots
and have some questions to ask.

1. "As the Liver Cleanses and makes repairs it starts dumping old crud, which includes bile and bilirubin. If the liver starts throwing the crud off faster than the body can eliminate through feces and urine then the person's skin starts turning yellow, then orange!" How can I, after being diagnosed with thyroid
cancer, help my liver along with healing? I had completed about 4-5 Liver Flushes prior to being diagnosed.

2. "Sounds to me like you need to cut back on the vit A until you have fully cleansed your liver. If you are turning orange than it is built up in the system and you are becoming toxic. Listen to what your body is telling is telling you that it has all it can take of vitamin A right now."
If this is true, should I lay off the juice for a while?

3. "Vitamin A should be used carefully. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that is stored in the body. You should not take more than 20,000 I.U. (international units) per day without being monitored by a physician. An overdose of vitamin A can cause headaches and stress the liver. I had a headache yesterday...which is unusual for me....I just dont really get headaches but yesterday it was a all day thing. I dont know if it is a overdose of Vit A or could it be a detox? My neck has been really sore for about a week, though. How does one know if it's a detox reaction?

4. Finally, if I keep up the current amount of juicing or if I increase the amount...will I return to my natural color once my Liver Cleanses or what????

Thanks for reading and any help


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