Lorena...Don't you worry about that orange. It WILL go away
when you back off or stop the carrot juice. Right now, you're
feeling better and things are looking up...and your diet and
that carrot juice are the reason for it.
I'm mailing your box tomorrow (Tues). It will come UPS. Maybe
they can tell me when I drop it off, what day you'll get it.
I'll let you know. I'm sending you the "God's Way To Ultimate
Health" book. It's a big thick book all about the Hallelujah
Acres Program...with tons and tons of testimonials in it of
people who have turned around their terminal cancer, etc using
this program. It is also just crammed with valuable information,
explaining the importance of juicing, and enzymes, etc. You
are going to flip your lid when you see this book. :-)
I have probably in the neighborhood of 200 books on alternative
health. But if for some reason, I had to get rid of all of them
but one...I think I'd keep this one. It is priceless. I'm not
sending you my "only" book...I have a spare. :-)
Hang in there...sounds like you're doing great! kathryn