Find the Best Treatment for **You**
Everyone's body chemistry is different. It is not enough to find the treatment that looks the best on paper. A smart patient searches for the most effective treatment for their body.
It is a fairly universal feature of alternative cancer treatments that they are effective on almost all types of cancers. When using the Comparison Table , click on the Effectiveness number to see what types of cancers that particular treatment is effective against. If there is no such list, the treatment is considered generally effective against all types of cancers.
Although conventional medicine would have us believe that there is a big difference between the different types of cancers, this is simply not so. Many cancer tumors are only partly cancer cells. As the percent of cancer cells increases, cancer tumors begin to look more and more alike. Cancer cells obtain their energy from fermentation. Normal cells obtain their energy from oxygenation (except muscle cells when they are completely exhausted). This is a tremendous difference. Most alternative cancer treatments such as Cancell and Paw Paw target this difference.
So perhaps your question should not be what others might have done or used to treat Hodgkin's, but "What treatment will work the best on me?" The most reliable and quick way to find that out is to use energetic medicine. You don't have to take anything energetic.
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Alternative Cancer Treatment Comparison