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Re: Thank you so much Yoda!!!...
canadian yoda Views: 11,365
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 332,937

Re: Thank you so much Yoda!!!...

Hello again,
I am so glad you went for the proper Herbals and stayed away from the capsules....I actually went to the Natures sunshine site you mentioned out of curiosity and got madder and madder as I read about the stupid capsules... they actually mention in one spot that you can break open the Essiac capsule and add hot water to make the tea!! (please excuse the spelling it also goes downhill when I get irate ...)
In my case I went for a CT scan about 3 weeks after starting the pau d'arco and my tumors were visably smaller allready, I was scanned every month or so and they just kept getting smaller until there was nothing left. Some people will probally react a little slower..I guess it all depends where the Cancer is and what else is being if the person is watching their diet, taking supplements etc or if they are still smoking 2 packs a day and expecting a miracle... I actually met someone who was doing that , not only did he have lung cancer but emphasema as well, I gave him the pau d'arco , he brewed one batch and gave up...he is now dead.
Of course there are so many variables in a disease and within each person it is impossible to say Yes this will cure can do that ..Doctor, Naturopath or Medicine Man...but we can all try and educate ourselves and listen to others , thats how I learned about Pau d'arco, on a site just like this one.
I can only pray that you have the same success I did and wish you the Greatest Health,
Best Wishes,


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