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Re: Pau D'Arco and Essiac
anynow Views: 11,310
Published: 17 y
This is a reply to # 332,936

Re: Pau D'Arco and Essiac

Hi Canadian Yoda and others,

I'm very keen to hear from you, as my grandmother is suffering from the same disease you had -- Stage 4 Stomach Cancer.

Please could you kindly advise what you did with respect to foods?? Eg, fruits have a lot of natural sugars.

Is there anything you avoided (eg, foods, etc), while drinking the teas?

Do I have to be very strict in following the tea preparation regime?

Do you recommend large amounts of raw garlic (which is apparently a good preventative), given that it is advanced stomach cancer and her tumour is bleeding internally, causing her stool to be black?

My grandmother also is vomiting and has no appetite and has trouble keeping stuff down? What to do??

Thanks all for any help (and apologies in advance, but my internet access is intermittent).

To your good health,



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