Thanks Yemaya !
I have actually spoken to Leon Treger on the phone. (He is one of the doctors I am considering.) You mentioned that you are in the process of having them removed. Are you going to him? Have you had any bad effects after removing some? Have you noticed some improvements with your symptoms? Some doctors charge so much money just for a consultation, and some are free. Dr. Treger does charge alot for a consultation, that's why I was a little hesitant.
I am also looking for a Naturopath doctor, so if you could give me the name, that would be great. Is this also someone that you are using?
I am presently on a detox program for 30 days. B&P (and fruits and veggies only). Is that enough, or do I still need to do a clay bath? I'm not familar with clay baths, but I will do a search as you suggested.
Thanks for you help....!!
You are one of the many helpful people I am meeting on this site. It's great!!