I have a great dentist!
I have a great dentist here in T.o!!
His name is Dr.Leon Treger 1520 Steeles Ave West. ( a little outside Toronto...but easy to get to..even on TTC....
Phone number - 905 660-5129
He is great..and follows a strict protocal including an oxygen mask when removing the fillings....
He also uses homeopathics and aromatherapy oils... The price is resonable too...
In the mean time...while you wait for the
Amalgam removal...you could try some de-tox like clay baths (do a search for pascalte clay baths)..and even those foot pads....
I also have a great naturopath if you want help with the detox, before and after...... I find that ND's seem to have access to some of the best products for heavy metal detox..and know how to use them safely.....
You symptoms are similar to mine..and I am still in the process of getting my fillings out.... but cleansing and really high quality suppliments have helped.... along with bowel cleansing and liver flushes!