You wrote: "You can imagine my surprise when the first thing he did was ask his nurse to get the number of a surgeon for me! When I suggested other options, he said he didn't know of any and scared me by saying that I could potentially have a hospitalizing attack at any time and it wasn't safe to just do nothing."
Makes me think that although well-meaning, doctors have been mind-programmed into the cult called "surgery and drugs". You can tell that they are brainwashed because they are so closed-off to new ideas. I feel sorry for them because they will die of their own self-created diseases and suffer needlessly.
You wrote: "Luckily, I was able to meditate on it and I already had access to your site, so I knew I had a few options."
You did the perfect thing. Our inner guidance will point the way to the solution if we are truly open to receiving it.
Thank God for all of the natural healers on this planet and for the internet and their books so we can access their material.