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EXPERIENCE: extreme diarrhoea with 1st flush - are epsom salts really necessary?
pussycat Views: 122,960
Published: 23 y

EXPERIENCE: extreme diarrhoea with 1st flush - are epsom salts really necessary?

I did the Hulda Clark e flush and woke at 2.30am with severe nausea, rapid heartbeat and diarrhoea. I realise that this is to be expected but I thought this would not occur until the following morning. The next morning I took the 2 Epsom Salt drinks which were very hard to get down as they caused nausea. I then had diarrhoea which continued throughout that day, again at 2am the following night and through till 4pm the next day. I know it is essential the cleanse the bowel but this all seems a bit too extreme. Is it possible to skip the Epsom Salts or to reduce the dose and still have a successful flush? Also is it OK to mix the salts with grapefruit juice to improve the taste? I am cuurently recovering from chronic fatigue syndrome and following a candida program. Also I was wondering if the cleanse where you take the oil mixture every 15 minutes is just as effective as it does not include the use of Epsom Salts or any other kind of laxative.


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