should i wait for him or move on?
I have been seeing a guy for the last year and am very in love with him. Two months ago i thought this relationship was over and he went to Australia to sort himself out. Well, he came back and decided he did want to be with me after all, so I gave it another chance. We both decided that we should not live together this time and have been getting on ok just visiting each other when we want to be together. This was decided because he was not working and felt he could not contribute to the finacial running of the house. He also said that he cannot make a committment to be because he still has feelings for his ex, though he does not want to go back to her. I feel now that perhaps I should keep my feelings away from him, as he never says that he loves me and cannot commit. He goes hot and cold on me alot and I find that really confusing. I don't want to lose this guy, as he is a good man and has not done anything to break my trust in him. He discribes his life as empty and boring and cannot see it improving as he cannot find work. Do you think if he found work he would be happier and actually commit to me? He doesnt want to let me go either and fears if he breaks up with me, he will lose all contact. I feel tired and weary of being single and doing everything myself(children, car, home, ) and being lonely. Everytime he pulls away, I feel hurt and unloved and rejected. I fear myself going with someone else just to get away from this situation, but I know that I would still love him, and he would expect me to be there for him. I want to be there for him, but I also want a proper relationship which I can feel secure in. I hope someone can help me, I feel so hurt and alone.