Re: Caprylic Acid side effects?
I had a post down below with a very detailed account of die off and I am pretty sure it said that anxiety,
Depression and the such can be die off reactions. I have suffered from anxiety/panic attacks and finally figured out it is PMDD (aka: really bad PMS). When I took Caprylic Acid I thought that I felt better while I was taking it, now when I did Oregano Oil I felt horrible all the way around, panic, anxiety, weak, no energy you name it. I believe Olive Leaf leaf left me feeling some of those things, but not as bad as Oregano Oil. Perhaps your body does not tolerate the Caprylic very well like I feel my body doesn't tolerate Oregano Oil.
I would finish the round, and document all your symptoms etc. for each anti-fungal and then next time if you come to Caprylic acid and have the anxiety again, I would probably take it out and try something else, I have read about so many antifungals and some are even better than caprylic acid.
Hope you feel better!