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Re: Help Me I'm hurting!!!!!!!!
alisaun Views: 2,372
Published: 21 y
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Re: Help Me I'm hurting!!!!!!!!

Dear Casey,

Like you I suffered depression....I was able to heal it completely. Long story short, what worked for me was to do a Bowel Cleanse ( I know, I know it sounds weird...I did this just trying to get healthy and the Depression leaving was a side effect). Basically people don't know that lots of serotonin is produced in the guts and it is also called your "second brain". even if you don't have a weight problem or stomach/gut issues, there are probably blockages in it (just by eating a standard American Diet) and once you clear those out, it really really helps with the depression. I used Dr. Schulze 's Intestinal Formulas #1 and #2. Find them at

Secondly, nutritional depletion is a huge cause of depression. I also started using Dr. S's Superfood. Wow, what a difference. This stuff is all natural REAL nutrition.

Thirdly, I would look at the "water cure" info on this forum. But the tagline "you are not sick you're just thirsty" is so true. it is so easy with just pure water and Sea Salt .

I know what it feels like to be suicidal. This is your body telling you it is very toxic and blocked.

Another thing you can do for quick relief is to get a cayenne tincture. That can really help with blood circulation and stat celaring out some of the cobwebs in the brain.

This is a *very* abbreviated version of the how's and the why's. I'd be happy to go into more detail, and/or you can research what I've written on this site.

Best of luck to you and your little one,



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