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Re: Good health is POSSIBLE~to Tracey
Tracey Views: 10,805
Published: 22 y
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Re: Good health is POSSIBLE~to Tracey

My God!! Are you serious??? Chunks of your cervix??? What th'.....? It is barbaric! And what did she hope to accomplish by taking out 5 chunks??? It's too much to think head's going to blow off!

That's terrible that it's still affecting you! PTree will probably know of some herbs that are excellent for the cervix cells...And the Liver Flushes haven't helped? With all the cleansing that I've done I've found that my periods are now totally fine. No heavy abdominal cramping feeling, no headache the night before, no bed at 10pm the night before (usual bedtime 1am to 3am)...nothin'! Well...every cell in our body replenishes itself in 7 long ago did that happen? Something I read in an Edgar Cayce book recently spoke of this 7 year cycle of renewing one's Health, physically. It totally matches up with Saturn's cycle (one's structure, skeleton) - he suggests that people keep that 7 year cycle in mind...knowing that all parts of themselves can change if your mind/intent/body/spirit etc are all working towards that goal. hmmmmm....

You're right...I haven't been for a papsmear since then!! No way hosay!

Your cells are renewing as we speak!



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