I am on Day 3...
I have substituted Cayenne Pepper caplets for the raw pepper which would burn my throat...
I also am thinking of using Honey and or Stevia in place of the Maple Syrup...
The Salt Water I have basically chugged. The first day I could only get half of it down, but the second day, I divided it up into two half
quart glasses, each with one teaspoon of salt and it worked much better...
I started due to severe
Psoriasis on my hands and feet (3 1/2 years Plus). After one day the hands started improving...the feet have not made as dramatic a recovery, but are starting to.
On day two I had some problem with the runs...after the salt in the morning was to be expected, but during the day and especially after car rides (must be the jiggling), I had to vacate.
Surprisingly I am not hungry, and only occasionally feel slightly weak...
Otherwise, I seem to have more energy and concentration.
Keith S. :{)>