Re: great story
Well, here in Europe, naturism is something absolutely normal. 20% of women on any beach are topless, and there are many naturist beaches, and many people teach their children to not be ashamed of nude body.
If we go far back in the history, we would discover that our ancestors were nude, and that was totally normal.
Now, I don't consider nudity being p 0 r n o g r a p h y.
I don't even consider it especially erotic.
I consider it natural look of "homo sapiens".
But, people are different.
Showing your face in Afghanistan is considered " p 0 r n o g r a p h y", but in Europe it is totally normal.
On internet, some things are normal for some people (like hudity, homosexuality, sex), but are considered untastefull for other. It is all question of personal choice.
Homosexuality, sex, making love is something abslolutely normal for people living in different culture.
I have never seen my parents nude. They were ashamed of their body, and they were always locking toalet and bathroom.
In my own familly, we never lock toilet and we never lock bathroom, and me and my wife never hide our nude body from our kids. And, kids that have been raised that way, take their own body with more respect.
Today, we have an epidemy of Anorexia Neurosa between young girls. They believe that they have to look like photo-models from bay watch.
They all want bigger breasts and slimmer waist. That is sick. You have now large number of youg girls that put implants in their breast because they want to look like Bay Watch girls. They are ashamed of their own "imperfection".
The worst thing for kids, I believe, is to teach them to be ashamed of their own body.
There is nothing wrong with small breasts.
There is nothing wrong with little more fat on your stomach.
I am happy that my kids have no complexes whatsoever about their own body ... and I don't think that any image on this web site is here to promote ponography or any other bad thing.
Would you call p 0 r n o g r a p h y nude acts made by Rembrant?
Would you call p 0 r n o g r a p h y nude sculptures by Leonardo, or by other great artists?
There is no shame in nudity!