The way to take the slippery elm bark is as a tea. Heat the water and then just put a *pinch* of the slippery elm in. If you put alot in, it will get very very thick and the texture will be to gross to eat. If you just put in a pinch, it'll actually taste pretty good.
There is one more tea that goes with this, and that is american saffron. The both of them are for Psoriasis (not drank together, but drank at different times during the day). The american saffron tea is supposed to steep for longer, and should be taken at night. The elm can be taken in any and all water that you drink during the day, or just in the tea if you wish.
One time I took 3 or 4 capsules of slippery elm, and I got pretty darn sick (nauseous). So don't make my mistake!