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Re: parasites not candida
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Re: parasites not candida

Caper at one time I had Blastocystis Hominus also. At that
time, the nutritionist I was working with put me on ADP Emulsified
oil of Oregano capsules by Biotics Research. Biotics Research
has a protocol for Blastocystis and I followed the protocol
for 6 to 8 weeks and the next test done by Parasitology
Center in Tempe, Ariz. showed no parasites. However, now
I have roundworms in my bile ducts and liver and have been
chasing them out with Paragone, Tricyline and much more and
Liver Flushes the last year. My shoulder now is free. It
was frozen with the roundworms in there. But now I also have
severe brain fog. My nuritionist is going to do another
stool test through the same lab and see if the Blastocystis
came back. I had all my metal out of my mouth and she says
the metal in my body is what is keeping the candidia and parasites
going. My nutritionist says if you have parasites, you have
candida. My stool tests never showed it either and I think
maybe my parasite problem is worse than the candida also.
Anyway, we have to follow the same strict diet for either,
which I am doing! I am an R. N. and I would urge you to
reconsider going on the Antibiotics even for a week. I
have always gotten worse from any course of antibiotcs.
I just talked with someone at Parasitology Center about
Blastocystis treatment last week. He said they usually
suggest Flagyl or for herbals, they suggest Paragone,
or Experience and Clear or Tri Cycline. Flagyl is very
hard on the body. My husband took it and it made him
very ill. I gave it to many patients and I would say
herbals are much better but may take a little longer--
just my opinion!


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