I'm not sure if I can help but I want you to know that you are not alone. I also have a fear of dr's and other healing professionals. I've had some bad and scary experiences. All with the dr's thinking worst case scenarios for either me or my children. And we've always been fine. I've also worked in dr's offices and have a couple of dr's in my family so I have seen that side of it too. And it hasn't been pretty! I have visited dr's while pregant or if I absolutely need to (when I had an eye infection, etc.) but otherwise the stress it causes me to do so is so much worse for me than if I just didn't go at this point. Example: I had my yearly gyn. checkup last year and worried and stressed about it for the entire year. By the time I got there I was a complete wreck. The stress of this ironically caused my period to just not come for two cycles. I broke out all over my body, my blood pressure shot up (it's normally good) and suffered panic attacks. All of this in an otherwise healthy young woman who has never had a bad pap or any other serious health concern. For me, at this point, it is far healthier for me to be proactive about my health and *not* go for regular checkups as it creates too much turmoil in my mind and body. I am actively working on my dr phobia though. I don't want to be ruled by my fears. You can email me if you would like to talk. Take care, -E