Need Your Help again Shelley...
Long story short...I've posted here and you've helped me before...
I was the one on AD's for 18 years took 6 months to wean off and am off 7 months completely...But I think my
Depression was due to 8 years of
Antibiotic use and doc's did not make connection...Now trying to regain health...
I've been doing lots of things to help myself but just went to the natural doc and got results... These AD's cause all kinds of hormonal problems and so I want to give you an update and ask for your thoughts on what I found out and also ask a question...question at the end... Thanks shelly for your time....
My test show high estrogen...he said that the normal range is 100 or so and mine was 439...So he gave me Indoplex (which is Indo 3 Carbinol/or cabbage extract) and Calcium D-Glucarate... My understanding from what the doc says is that they will help bind the estrogen and remove it from my body.
He also put me on a natural progesterone...Premetrium/from soy..and Dhea...
Gave me a prescription for Nystatin to kill the gut yeast and a probiotic...(probiotic pearls) I had been taking Natrens probiotic and Primal Defense...He also likes primal..
He says that after we kill the yeast he will give me something to seal up the leaky gut...
Also he thinks the reason I'm having trouble sleeping is due to the High Estrogen... but also said that sacral cranial manipulation would be beneficial... So I had a session yesterday and it was pretty cool... I could feel the spinal fluid pumping and rocking in my spine at times as she did the procedure..
I also just ordered some Frankencense oil from Young Living Essential Oils... I've read that anti deprssants increase the risk of
Breast Cancer by 700% and this oil reduces this risk. You put it on like deodarant during the day as often as you think about it...using it with a carrier oil.
But I did want to ask a question...If not for the insomnia, and the bone, pain I'm feeling when I stand or walk...(Back pain, ankle pain etc. which hopefully that is due to lack of sleep and the body not being able to fully regenerate itself I could get back to work...
Do you know if exercising during the next 30 to 60 days is going to help the bones strenthen more.. or during this period of healing if I should do some but little.. Exercising...
I guess what I'm saying is that I know my body is being taxed by lack of sleep and now by trying these new things along with the nystatin...Is exercising now more of a stressor/negative so to speak or a positive....
I should have asked the doc but didn't think of it.
Blessings to you,