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Re: Vitex and Guggul
shelleycat Views: 3,135
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 325,487

Re: Vitex and Guggul

Hi Rainflower! :)

Guggal takes fats out of the bloodstream. It's a natural cholesterol-lowerer, basically.

Vitex is a hormone regulator, and it's practically the ONLY safe one to take!

Before taking either of these things, get a basic physical done and see what your blood looks like overall. If your cholesterol is normal, you don't need the guggal and in fact it may do more harm than good at that point.

As always, doing kinesiology will help you to know whether these supplements will help to balance you. Just hit the health food store with a friend and do the arm test there holding the products before you buy. :)

Since fasting increased your symptoms, it's very clear that you have weak digestion and Ama (undigested toxins and impacted fecal matter) clogging things up. When you fast, these things get stirred up because the body can deal with them now that it doesn't ahve to deal with food, but unless you take the toxins OUT with fiber, Oxypowder , colonics/enemas, sweating, etc., they will end up in the lymphs and skin to cause more outbreaks. So the trick is to cleanse FASTER and keep your digestive power on HIGH so it burns everything up like a self-cleaning oven. When the toxins sit in your intestines they get absorbed into your bloodstream and lymph and whammo, breakouts.

Hope that makes sense! :)


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