Hi Shelly...Severe hairloss, hypothyroid & candida
Hi there Shelly,
Not sure if you remember my situation as you help so many of us... so I will very briefly recap. (apologies in advance if you do)
I have hypothryoidism & battling candida overgrowth as well. August started a very stressful time in my life in regards to my job, selling my home, having the deal fall through, selling it again, facing the real possiblty of no where to live, and family issues just to name a few.
started losing massive quantities of hair back at the very begining of September. I got my normal menstrual cycle at the very start of the month, it stopped for a few days, and then returned and I continued to bleed for 48 days straight - some days lightly, others more heavy. I finally gave in and took progesterone supplements from the gynocolgist about 2 weeks ago and the bleeding stopped by the time I finished them.
I have been to the doctor and we also found out that for some reason my body was no longer metabolising the thryoid meds I was using (Armour). My T3 levels were drastically low. I wasw changed to a new medication (cytomel) and we are in the process of playing the dosing game. I am currently up to 50 mcg. I know we are going to have to keep increasing the level as I still feel lousy.
Issue is... I am still losing massive amounts of hair, and now have bald patches and excessively thin hair all over my head.
how do I get it to stop falling out???? and will it grow back???
I am a vain woman - I admit it, and the idea of being bald, or patchy-headed is one that scares me and depresses me.
As always, your voice of sanity and kindness is apprecaited!!
All my best,