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Re: candida, kichadi,enema and P&B shakes
shelleycat Views: 2,165
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 325,385

Re: candida, kichadi,enema and P&B shakes

You can eat kichadi as often as you like. If you start feeling like the pungent herbs are too much of a good thing, back off for awhile. It will not feed candida so long as your portions are small enough for you to fully digest them. Remember the rule of eating only as much as you can hold in the palms o fboth hands cupped together? That's very important for candida people, more important than WHAT you actually eat! :)

Start out with plain salt water enemas until things run clean, and then add a bit of liquid chlorophyll. If your local health food store has gotu kola available as a tea, that is a wonderful retention enema for clearing the mind. But it's easier to just swallow gotu kola. ;) Aloe vera juice is also quite soothing. Just 1/2 cup added to about 2-3 cups water and retain.

It's best to cycle on/off with the P&B shakes or switch to flax seed for awhile. People wtih leaky gut get allergic to anything they take long term. You can actually get allergic to psyllium if you take it for awhile. What I did was to go off of most fiber supplementation for awhile, as the Kichadi got me plenty really, and take plenty of super-green foods with chlorella and such. The chlorophyll really speeds the healing process and helps get rid of brain fog. :)



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