Feed the adrenals as much as you possibly can, and take digestive enzymes to spare the pancreas somewhat. Be sure to eat complex carbs, not simple ones (whole grains and veggies are complex, pasta/refined flours/refined sugars are simple). Have a higher percentage of protein and fats in your diet for the time being. This all gives the pancreas and adrenals a break - they work in tangent to manage blood sugar/cortisol levels.
To feed the adrenals, fix up a batch of Bieler Broth. Try to have that once a week at minimum while your job is so stressful. Get a supplement of Gotu Kola and Licorice Root. Solaray usually has these two in combination if your local store stocks it. Only take it for a month, licorice is somewhat estrogenic. Gotu Kola is better than coffee - keeps the mind calm and clear with no jitteryness as it feeds the adrenals and nervous system.