Re: b12 assimilation
the spleen can sequester large numbers of red blood cells and the spleen and liver take them out of the bloodstream once they are dead/dying, but the spleen does NOT manufacture them or cause them to be manufactured. Red blood cells/hemoglobin are manufactured in the long bones - mostly thighs - in the bone marrow. The Kidneys release a hormone that tells the bone marrow to create red blood cells. If you have permanent kidney damage, you get anemic and will die without hormone shots or transfusions.
Anemia is always a sign of a chronic disorder of some kind. It would be a good idea to get a complete physical to make sure your kidneys are working fine. Do you knwo what your last lab test said about BUN and Creatinine? were they normal? What about TSH (thyroid)?
Beware of Chinese herbal recommendations, they are often detrimental to the kidneys and hormones. Ayurvedic herbal recommendations are safer.
Low stomach acid promotes anemia because you cannot take in B12 or Folic Acid. A lack of good microbes promotes Vitamin K deficiency. A lack of sun promotes vitamin D deficiency. These can all contribute one way or antoher to anemia. Ways to increase stomach acid include: peppermint tea; 500 mg of Vitamin C or lemon juice or Cleansing Drink (see FAQ for recipe) or just apple cider vinegar prior to a meal; HCL Betaine supplementation; getting plenty of B vits and a good natural
Sea Salt .
It would be wise to do a
parasite expulsion protocol to see if you have any of the larger parasites, these cause anemia over time. See the fAQ for the protocol.
Eating calves liver twice a month should get you sufficent B12, altho if a test shows you're low in B12 you should consider getting a series of B12 shots. If you are really low that can cause permanent nerve damage. See the FAQ for how to purchase and fix liver so that it's safe and tasty. :)