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Re: frequent urination
shelleycat Views: 1,175
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 325,053

Re: frequent urination

Please consider getting a physical and make sure a basic blood test is run that includes Creatinine and BUN, along with a urine test. You have to rule out anything damaging the kidneys, as early detection is key.

In the meantime, take in about 500 mg of Magnesium for 3 days. If you have Epsom Salts , simply put a teaspoon in a large glass of water and drink. Magnesium will relax the bladder so it can retain more fluids.

Stop drinking the dandelion tea, it's a diuretic in addition to helping the liver, so it promotes frequent urination and could be making your kidneys work to hard.

You may want to drink 2 glasses of unsweetened cranberry juice each day to cleanse the urinary tract of yeast.

Hope that helps! :)


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