Hi Shelley! I cannot do colonics or enemas because if you remember they left me bed-bound for 3 weeks as all my toxins were stirred up. I was very very sick and weak (I have CFS/systemic candidiasis for 25 years). I also have severe magnesium deficiency so I dont think the colonic helped much with that either (electrolite imbalance). Question is - I want to start to take some malic acid to crush some stones before very gently trying to flush my liver with the "mini Flush" i.e 1 tablespoon of Olive oil and Lemon Juice but is this going to be fruitile if I cannot do colonics or enemas. I will be just releasing more toxins into an already toxic body. I have the leaky gut so that rules out psyllium and Bentonite because you said it could be too abrasive for an irritated gut. I so much want to help myself but I just seem to come up against a blank wall. I take Livertone Plus and follow your dietry advice which helps. Any other suggestions Shelley? Many Thanks