Hello Shelly and all. I started taking a new probiotic about two weeks ago and it has helped me tremendously. But I still get TERRIBLE brain fog and such after I eat. I have to almost immediately take three capsules of caprylic acid, which does help some. My question is about digestion. I ordered some digestive enzymes from the same company whose probiotics I take- ( Rgarden ). They have no protease in them, which I read is what causes some people to have irritation and burning. Well, unfortunately they too made my intestines burn. I am at a loss as to what to do anymore for my digestion. Why do you think all the enzymes cause me irritaion and do you think maybe the 2 ounces of lemon and salt water would be enough to help me? I have tried this before, but it didn't seem to do anything. Does it take a long time to see results? Thanks so much for your time.