Re: Do you produce too much mucus? Other reasons why:
hoo boy sounds like she's been thru a lot!
A super-green supplement of mainly chlorella (but spirulina and blue-green algea are also good) has been known to help with the side-effects of radiation therapy, and since it will help her cleanse her liver too, that's the next supplement she should get, along with cod liver oil. EmergenC would also be good. That takes care C, B's etc.
If she's never cleansed her bowels, liver, lymphs or kidneys, she should really do some of that! It should help tremendously. She may need a
parasite cleanse too.
As she does that, drinking ginger tea and the Cleansing Drink (see FAQ for recipe) and using other pungent herbs liberally in her foods will help the body break down and expel mucus. See the FAQ for posts on cleansing, teas, the recipes, etc.
Hope that helps her! :)