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Cleansing / Parasites Program
dianna607 Views: 1,294
Published: 21 y

Cleansing / Parasites Program

Hi Shelley,

I have done a lot of reading on the forums here, including the Ultimate Cleanse program.

I feel certain I have parasites, candida, and leaky gut. I am also 70 pounds overweight. I know my digestion is poor and has been for many years, probably, in part, because I have always taken most of my daily liquids WITH my meals; I now understand why this is a NO NO!

I am considering the Master-Cleanse for 2 weeks with Paragone or Parastroy. I understand the parasite portion will start again after a two week "rest".

Would this be your recomendation? I know the Master-Cleanse isn't the best with Candida, but it works with my lifestyle and will help me "jumpstart" a healthy regimen and weight loss. It is also inexpensive and money is an issue. With money spent on parasite cleanses and other aids, I need to be careful. But I am open to other ideas.

Which parasite cleansing method do you prefer? I have read of successes with Paragone, Parastroy, and the different herb concoctions; I am confused and not sure what it best on this issue.

I recall that you don't necessarily recommend the P & B shakes? What about Colosan and other similiar products? My schedule is extremely variable from day to day, so I need a little control in this area. Some days I am home all day working and others I am traveling extensively and sometimes with others which makes stopping often for "bathroom breaks" difficult.

I know this is a lot of questions, but I really appreciate your time and consideration!




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