Tips for dealing with toxic work environments
Hiya Mike! wow, kudos to you for having the commitment to change jobs in order to better your health! With that level of commitment you're sure to get better! :)
It is impossible to never be exposed to toxins unfortunately. So long as you live in or near a metropolitan area, it's simply a fact of life and we cannot let it get us down! :)
I detest cardboard boxes. If they're newish it's not so bad, but once they've been used for long-term storage the smell and particles are really very annoying. I have since switched most of my cardboard boxes for plastic ones just to get rid of that smell!
What you can do is: when moving the boxes, wear a face mask.
After your morning shower, use a good, pure oil, coconut or sesame, all over your skin. Toxins will just "bounce off" you after that. Oil is protective!
Wash hands frequently, and get a sinus irrigation tool and wash out your sinuses every night. Your sinus hairs are your first line of defense against toxins. Keep them clean so they can do their job. Oil hands as necessary if the soap strips them.
Include many many oils and sources of Vitamin A and C in your diet. Vitamin A is one of THE best ANTI-CANCER compounds, because it will help the body exit petro-chemical pollution. Don't rely on vitamins, the A is not as bio-available and high amounts can lead to a really painful toxicity. Cod liver oil, fish oil, liver, eggs, sweet potatoes iwth butter, carrot juice with cream, are the best ways to get A. EmergenC will help you wtih C, as will garbanzo beans and most fruit.
Try to have flax oil mixed with cottage cheese or kefir. Use it as a spread or dip for veggies. Add whatever spices you like to make it palatable. Dr. Brudig designed this, and it is very similiar to the protein shake, which you should have too. When you mix the flax oil with the dairy, it stabilizes it and prevents it from going rancid. It also makes it much more bio-available, energy producing, and oxygenating.
Drink plenty of fluids!!! Cleansing drink, potassium broth, peppermint tea.
Keep up your microbes!!! Kefir, yogurt, should be in your diet daily.
Hope that helps! :)