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Which Oils to Take - Estrogen considerations
shelleycat Views: 1,592
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 320,232

Which Oils to Take - Estrogen considerations

Hi Gail!

Yes, Liver Flushing and cleansing will totally help the problem, especially if combined with frequent colon cleansing. Keeping the liver clean will keep everything else clean so taht fat cells don't get attached to estrogen encouraging estrogen tissue deposits or cysts and endometriosis.

Two tablespoons of flax seed oil IS a lot of the same kind of oil. What you have to do is rotate your oils. The best oil to add to your diet first is cod liver oil. I finally found a pure one that I trust, a link to the catalogue is in the fAQ post about where to buy supplements. Cod liver oil should be taken one teaspoon daily, or a tablespoon 3-4x week. So there's one. Flax can be one of the others, but to be safest combine it with Borage, as borage is NOT estrogenic. Udo's Choice uses a combo that I think includes evening primrose, but evening primrose is estrogenic too I believe. You can also use a fish oil - great for Omega 3's - or wheat germ oil - great for Vit E and B's- or any kind of nut oil. Almond oil is especially good. EVCoconut is great too, has medium-chain fatty acids that are especially good for lymph/immune system.



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